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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. R

    possible Marshin build/restore

    And I don't mean biker gang like the common conception. I just mean riding around town and when we find a nice hill, jump it!! Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
  2. R

    possible Marshin build/restore

    We do have bike laws, but anything under 50cc doesn't need tags. Must of us have at least 80s, but its a 50 frame so not much is said by the police. I dont really think I could buy any propety for 50 bucks, but you are right about the housing market. But hey our whole economy is in the crapper...
  3. R

    possible Marshin build/restore

    im not looking to spend a whole bunch the first time i build it. im looking for something to ride around over the summer. I have some friends that ride on the streets around here, sort of like a 50 biker gang haha. but i just want it to be running consistently, and running WELL!! i...
  4. R

    possible Marshin build/restore

    thanks for the advice guys. ive been looking at some xr50 plastics already and a new carb will be in order with the week. i need a whole new throttle set up for sure as my current one is shot. what size carb do you all recommend? its a 107cc and im new the carby game (im used to efi stuff)...
  5. R

    possible Marshin build/restore

    Bump Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
  6. R

    Here some pics from frankstons pit bike track

    that second picture is awesome man :thumbup:
  7. R

    possible Marshin build/restore

    hey guys, i just found your forum today and i really like it so far :thumbup: I found this bike sitting on the side of my buddies house and it has been sitting for a year. i eventually got it to turn over and the ole girl actually ran. long story short, i thought it was in neutral when i...