The bike is now fixed and running! Yay!
But after a few phones calls to the company we got the new magneto from and them taking their time to get back with info,
we decided to give "DHZ" a call, they were super helpful, we sent them pics of the wires we had that weren't...
I'm trying to get the bike running at the moment with this new magneto, when i can work the magneto, illl do the headlight at some other stage after i get these wires worked out.
I have no clue what wire is what, i'm no good with electircs and no body locally will touch it because it's not a yamaha (they only specialise in them)
I have attached some photos of the wires.
Pic 1, new magneto wires
Pic 2, exisitng wires - from cdi
pic 3, existing wires - from cdi
Not sure what wires connect where?.
Hope this is some help :)
Hi all,
I have a 160cc LE pit bite pro,
I am upgrading the Magneto so I can run a front headlight,
But am unsure what wires to connect where, it's different wiring then my friends 125cc pit bike,
I'm unsure about the wires comming from the magneto, they are all joined into a big white...