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  1. skidpig7

    Skidpig's Custom Minibike Build

    Probably starting the thread a bit early, but this semester in tech I am going to be building Minibike a bit like this one. The building should be starting sometime next week as my last half year exam is tomorrow. I'm planing to use a 160 Pitbike engine, mini gokart wheels and...
  2. skidpig7

    Hunting/shooting Thread

    I want to get a browning bps pump action 12 gauge for bird shooting since I cant afford a miroku
  3. skidpig7

    Hunting/shooting Thread

    Sounds pretty nice! Pump action would be cool! I want to get a miruko 12 gauge over under there the best shotguns i reckon
  4. skidpig7

    Hunting/shooting Thread

    Yeh true, the 17 hornets are pretty good only downfall for then is if it's windy! I don't know anything about 204 but I really like my .223. It's perfect, I have a 6x18x50 scope, bipod and sling. You can't miss! Haha
  5. skidpig7

    Zongshen 160 length, Z160HO

    Okay hopefully should be a good motor then! I have a disc brake from my hardtail which I don't use so I was thinking I could use that as a brake, it should be strong enough. Those mini quad tires look pretty good! Heaps of tread.
  6. skidpig7

    Zongshen 160 length, Z160HO

    Okay thanks that pisterpro motor is better then the zongshen isn't it? Isn't Pisterpro the really expensive pitbike brand. Levers are cheap and easy to get and I might be getting better levers for my big bike so ill use them. I defiantly don't want lights the less electrics the better.
  7. skidpig7

    Zongshen 160 length, Z160HO

    I'm looking a rims and tires and I'm not sure how to tell how big they are. The ones that I'm looking at say: 4.10/3.50 tire and then it says choice of either 4 inch or 5 inch wheel. Would they be suitable for a minibike? As you can see I don't know very much yet :( Thanks for your help so far!
  8. skidpig7

    Zongshen 160 length, Z160HO

    Dad has a couple of honda pump motors sitting around so they might work. I'm hoping my parents will chip in with the zongshen motor though! If I did use the zongshen I was told I would need these parts: -wiring loom $35.00 -cdi $25.00 -rectifier $25.00 -carby $70 -airfilter $20.00 Is there...
  9. skidpig7

    Zongshen 160 length, Z160HO

    The deltek mini bikes you had did they have drum brakes?
  10. skidpig7

    Zongshen 160 length, Z160HO

    Thanks a lot my67xr that will be a great help. Those ct100 shocks are a bit long I reckon but a found these one which I think might work better! KDF Rear Shock Absorber Back 285mm Parts Bike Shockie for Honda Monkey Z50 Z50J | eBay They are about 50mm shorter.
  11. skidpig7

    Zongshen 160 length, Z160HO

    Also do you have any idea what size those shocks are and where I could get them? Should I do a build thread for it and what section would I put the build thread in?
  12. skidpig7

    Zongshen 160 length, Z160HO

    Sweet those look awesome! I want to put this motor in it because I had a look and the pump motors which they used to have a the same price as a pitbike motor. Yeh if you could post the plans that would be great!
  13. skidpig7

    Zongshen 160 length, Z160HO

    Well I'm going to build a mini bike in tech and I want a big motor in it! Hopefully this picture works but it will be like this one. That's the plan as well hopefully the parents might chip in!
  14. skidpig7

    Zongshen 160 length, Z160HO

    What are these engines like and does any one have the dimensions of it? As I want to use it for a school tech project! Thanks a lot Eli
  15. skidpig7

    RC Car/Truck Nuts SHOW US YA RIGS

    Haha, I have to sell my other cars first! I wish I could get sponsored would make it so much easier!
  16. skidpig7

    RC Car/Truck Nuts SHOW US YA RIGS

    Yeh true i was going to buy a mugen truggy to race but decided not to. I'm trying to sell some of my cars I have to many! I want to have a few good ones not a lot of okay ones!
  17. skidpig7

    RC Car/Truck Nuts SHOW US YA RIGS

    I have a tekin 35 turn in by tf2 soon be be running on 4s! Haha 4s in a scale crawler hopefully don't break to much. And I have a tekin pro 4 3300kv in my scx10.
  18. skidpig7

    RC Car/Truck Nuts SHOW US YA RIGS

    Sorry the ae buggy is actually a ae t4.1 which is a truggy! Yeh its just a rebranded castle system. Yeh I would like a 5th scale but they are a bit expensive!
  19. skidpig7

    2013 Atomik Fury 250cc Review/Build thread

    Yeh that's what I meant sorry, you always want to tap by hand! You would be surprised tho on how lazy people are and just use a drill!
  20. skidpig7

    RC Car/Truck Nuts SHOW US YA RIGS

    Haha, I nearly have one off every type! Nah my savage is the savage flux hp with a 1/8 castle system on 6s!! All my cars have huge brushless systems i like heaps of power! I prefer scale crawlers.