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  1. Meka

    Clutch problem

    it has inner rotor kit, but my friend experienced same problem with outer rotor kit aswell.Im probably going to swap motors with someone.
  2. Meka

    Clutch problem

    yeah ive had multiple clutches breaking like that and im taking it easy, im not riding tracks, Im not revving hard. Is there some clutch baskets with better material that isnt so fragile?
  3. Meka

    Clutch problem

    motor is 1p54fmi lifan motor 125cc,i had new clutch in it and it broke exactly like this.Best thing i can do is buy motor with secondary clutch?
  4. Meka

    Clutch problem

    Hey, i have a problem with the clutch breaking.I dont know why this happens clutch is properly installed.(sorry if bad english)