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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. L

    fuel leak

    how do i adjust the float level?
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    fuel leak

    hey guys i got a fuel leak comming out of the tube at the bottom of the carby on my bike it will stop leaking when the fuel tap is turned off and the fuel empties out of the carby but when the fuel tap is on it just flows out. I noticed there was a screw above the tube and when i loosened it the...
  3. L

    how much do u guys weigh

    im 90kg and im 6'1
  4. L

    hard to start bike

    my mate has a atomik prox 125 and whenever we go riding it takes forever to start. when kicking it it doesnt feel like there is much compression compaired to mine (ive got a 140). however when it is in gear and you try to roll it the back weel doesnt move so i guess there is compression there...
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    Water cooled 250cc from China

    how much does these bikes go for?
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    got my first motorbike

    i ran it on the oil that it came with for first 30mins then changed it
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    got my first motorbike

    I just got my first moterbike i got a atomik prox 140cc. Took it out today runs really well.
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    125 vs 140

    is there much of a power difference between the two engine sizes or is it only a minor difference?
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    bike acellerates by it self lol

    i dont know much about bikes but u might wanna check ur accelerator cable might be to tight
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    gears on pitbikes

    k thanks guys
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    gears on pitbikes

    whats the go with a lot of the new pitbikes having gears all up? is there any advantage to this or not really much difference. I dont think it would make much difference while moving just starting off got to remember 1st is up not down.
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    Atomik Prox 140cc 2007

    is the bike able to pick up the wheel without droping the clutch? Also compared to the atomik prox 125 or any other similar 125 is it a lot more powerfull or are they fairly similar?
  13. L

    backyard blitz by Jono

    thats a nice track u built urself in the back yard