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  1. M

    urgent help pls

    hey mate um i need the piece tht goes in the middle it says its a Pipe, crankshaft that has a crankshaft spring then the Bush.
  2. M

    urgent help pls

    hey i need help. 125cc lifan type r head. clutch the plate that bolts onto clutch basket wats that called and have any one got pics of one ??
  3. M

    lifan 125cc type r head

    hey guys can a run a light off my lifan 125cc type r head tehres 5 wires im using 3, means 2 left 1 of them has power according to my test light can i run a light or wat ?
  4. M

    gearbox installing

    cheers sean01 that helps alot thanks for the site
  5. M

    gearbox installing

    yer im talking to a mate on here he said to try holding the gear shifter in netrul while tightening the star and the other side of it
  6. M

    gearbox installing

    ok man yer its all split just putting it together is hard it has netrual then as soon as i tighten the bolts it loses netrual and wont click in netrual
  7. M

    gearbox installing

    yer the hole gears like all of them just brought all new shafts and gears so the hole thing thanks for the vids man very helpful
  8. M

    gearbox installing

    hey any one got any pointers or sites to help me to install new gears in my lifan 125 type r head. help be heaps appreciated as is im dieing of riding havent sine last year december :D
  9. M

    lifan 125cc

    it has two lines one with an f and one with an t whats tmean ?
  10. M

    lifan 125cc

    hey just wondering with timing whats the t and f mean on magneto and how do i get piston cam vavles tdc?? any help be good thanks
  11. M

    timing a 125cc lifan type r head

    dvd rip no it wasent the timing i pulled it all down and it was all good so assembled again and it seems ok i think i put the star on wrong but not sure. thanks guys
  12. M

    timing a 125cc lifan type r head

    hey i just put new gears in the gear box and is ready to put head on and time it how do i time it? and ideas pointers or ways to do it? is there anything that shows u how to time a 125cc lifan engine?
  13. M

    lifan 125cc type r head help

    thnaks guys i think satchy is right i might of put arms on wrong and yer i have broke it down now should look at it on morning thanks guys
  14. M

    lifan 125cc type r head help

    i just put new gearbox in my lifan 125cc type r head and it isnt going into netrual any ideas what that might be ? and also the kickstarter wont go all way down what could be stopping it? Is there anyway to adjust the kickstarter spring ? any help would be appreciated thanks
  15. M

    lifan 125cc type r head

    im trying to split the caseing on my lifan 125cc type r head and just wondering i got magneto off do i have to pull the oil sling and that off too to split it ? any help would be nice cheers
  16. M

    help ktm

    hey guys its a ktm 50 replica so the only thing differnt to a real one is the real one have mx on the engine min es has sq haha u are all wrong i gtoo wat i need rings the barrels fine i checked it and ill try rings now ebay got jack **** for ktms so ill vist sa dirt bikes cyas happy bitching
  17. M

    What caused my piston to seize up in my 125cc?

    nah its k not fillings in there i taped up the hole haha me smart
  18. M

    What caused my piston to seize up in my 125cc?

    grinder and hammer :)
  19. M

    What caused my piston to seize up in my 125cc?

    hey i have 125cc orion motor came out orion don't know what type it is. the piston seized up and wouldn't come off so i cut it off. what caused it to do that ? was it lack off oil ? or what?
  20. M

    Pitpro 125le wont run

    hey i got a pitpro 125cc and i had that problem too but mine was a dirty barbie runs rough give it gas and it stalls like its flooding so mate took it and he cleaned carbie and in ran fine ever since try it :)