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  1. P

    2006 Pit bike

    It would be the same on the 150cc they use the same CDI box. The problem is is that the plug is still on the CDI box and a couple of the wires got pulled out of the plug and i don't know where they go. That is why I need a pic of some one elses. Thanks Pitfreeks
  2. P

    2006 Pit bike

    Doesn't any body have a 200cc lifan motor where they can take a pic or tell me where the wires go on my CDI box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. P

    2006 Pit bike

    I have a pit bike with a 2006 lifan 200cc motor on it . I wipedout in my woods and some of the wires where pulled out of the CDI plug on the Harnest. I guess I should have mounted it elsewere. If some one could send me a pic of theres cool. It is the CDI150-200 CDI box. Thanks pitfreeks