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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. napolian_was

    WTB: yx140 crankshaft

    ended up finding one in australia Crank Shaft FIT FOR YX140 Dirt Bike | eBay
  2. napolian_was

    WTB: yx140 crankshaft

    looking to get an unused or in good nic yx140 crank if anyone has one. thank's, kurt.
  3. napolian_was

    noise after engine is stopped

    what is the job of the sling? is it just a counter weight/ oil filter thing:confused: or???
  4. napolian_was

    noise after engine is stopped

    yeah it was the sling, it had broke off the stem no prob got a new one off ebay. but its good to get that crud out V V V V <a href="" target="_blank"><img...
  5. napolian_was

    noise after engine is stopped

    thinks ppl i'll go have a look now and tell ya how i go :hideing_behind_comp
  6. napolian_was

    noise after engine is stopped

    hi every one i have a yx140 and the other day when i shut her down there was like a loose spinning noise sounded like it was coming from the clutch side has anyone ever had this or know what it could be? i will prob open it up and have a look this weekend thought i would see if its common...
  7. napolian_was

    in the ruts at bungabee

    a really rutted out little hit, i was lucky this time and got up it without a hitch. im 3rd dude on the wr250f. YouTube - in the ruts at bungabee Comment Comment Comment............:p;):o:rolleyes: plz
  8. napolian_was

    awkward to cross

    the mud bit was a deep hole and it was hard coz it was shorter than the wheel base of the bike. i think if i was on the 250f prob would hav tried to just jump it. its the 1st ride on the 2stroke in like 3 months. :rolleyes:
  9. napolian_was

    awkward to cross

    we come across a creek at bungabee that looked awkward to cross so i got the cam out im on the rm125 :D YouTube - bungabee crossing
  10. napolian_was

    4x4 at bungabbee

    i f##king love the music....... dont it just make you wont to get out and ride really fast........ hell yeah!!!!!
  11. napolian_was

    4x4 at bungabbee

    just what me and my mates did last weekend and its a really good ride too..... YouTube - 4x4 at bungabbee
  12. napolian_was

    YX 140cc modifications

    you've been riding to many ktm 520's and going back the the yx140 you feel it lacks torque..........mayb???
  13. napolian_was

    Official Post pics of your bike Thread

    03 WR250f97 RM125 i love the WR the most thats why i got blue gear lol
  14. napolian_was

    crf70 style plastic for pit bike??

    got some pix of the long plastic
  15. napolian_was

    Gymkhana 2 insane.....

    what was soooooo cool
  16. napolian_was

    what really happen with Clare Werbeloff

    ya got to be in t0 computers to like my one
  17. napolian_was

    what really happen with Clare Werbeloff

    this is that really went down YouTube - Clare Werbeloff (pure pwnage remix)
  18. napolian_was

    crf70 style plastic for pit bike??

    yes i know crf70 plastic will not fit a crf50 i was just looking for the style......coz they got longer guards :rolleyes: thx everyone for the help i was talking to a dude on ebay and he sent me to this web site..... MotoX Spares :: CRF/XR50 Long Rear Guard P/Kit $42.50 i order some...
  19. napolian_was

    crf70 style plastic for pit bike??

    hi do you know if ya can get crf70 style plastic for a pit bike of crf50?? just coz crf50 style plastic is so short and ya get mud up ya back ..........:confused: thx
  20. napolian_was

    eva seen anyone do this????

    i was all like. "how do they do that??????" YouTube - budgienutz