
Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. R

    Pitbike gears issue

    Hi I have a lifan pitbike engine which changes gears but after riding and shift normally when I shift down to first and come to a stop and look to find neutral the gears become stuck and do not change. Also hard to find neutral as it’s between first and second but it’s not very distinct as the...
  2. T

    Pitbike newbie help

    Hey guys, new to the form trying to get into hobby. Recently purchased a fully disassembled and rust hunk of junk 125cc Chinese pitbike and over the last few months put it together no issues, with pretty decent success. having had that turn out i fingered i would get another project but...
  3. O

    Rekluse for KTM 65/85

    Hi! I'm currently building 2 KTM SX65 motards for my boys. They have grown out of their SX50s so we're stepping up. To ease the introduction of both gears and clutch, I've considered putting Rekluse autoclutches in. Anyone with experience with Rekluse for minimotards?
  4. S

    What was the first bike in your family?

    So I thought I would go through some history with you guys cause. My story pretty much is I wasnt allowed to own motorbikes as a kid, now im old and crusty I can. My Grandpa on mums side bought one of these beasts in 1929 (took a year back then for the new models to make it here on a ship)....I...
  5. L

    what other gearbox will fit my ducar 125cc

    i have a ducar 125cc DJ154FMI and was wondering if there were any other gearboxes that would fit it, i cant find another motor for spares anywhere and no one sells the gearboxes anymore. any help would be much appreciated. cheers
  6. vic1616

    125cc pitbike gear to speed ratios

    hey guys, i was wondering if it's just me but my 125cc pitbike seems slow when im maxing out in 3rd gear ide say im going 35mph when i have my throttle floored in third gear... is this normal for a 125cc pitty? will it shoot right up to like 50-55mph when i floor it in 4rth gear? what...
  7. Clinton3

    Plug Photos

    Hi Guys, I've got a Dirtmax Dominator 160cc with a bad kick back problem. I have already replaced the starter gears once. I just did my oil and found large amounts of metal stuck to the sump plug. (photos below) I think it is safe to say that these are starter gear teeth. If so, and the bike...
  8. Detz

    lifan 140 questions.

    Ok this is my first post so ill start with hows everyone goin?, im new to mini's and just got one, so i have a few questions to ask. Today i got a bike off a guy, seems to be a pitpro 140, got it cheap cos its got a few problems, sussed the parts on dhz and was happy to buy the bike and pay...
  9. Moto99

    lifan 140cc help ?

    Have you tryed N-1-2-3-4 ? should say on the motor if its new
  10. T

    gears slipping and changing by themselves !!!HELP!!!

    ok so i bought a 110cc atomic pitbike the other day andi have been rdin i around great bike lots of power and fast! anyway say i will be goin in 3rd gear and it will all of a sudden change into 1st or 2nd when this happens it slows right down and it is very dangerous what could be the...
  11. G

    Clutch Issues

    Symptoms in chronological order as the day progressed: Riding went about as usual for about 30 mins or so.........then......... From a stand still, engaging 1st gear the clutch was a lot harsher. From 2nd gear on the throttle it popped out into neutral. From both 1st and 2nd gear, finding...