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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. Chickenwingz

    Chickenwingz's question thread

    Bike Silencer How can i silence my pitster pro so that it doesn't annoy the neighbors?
  2. DHZ_XR8cing

    Thoughts on a ORK and a 184cc big bore kit

    Good evening everyone. Im just doing a bit of dreaming at the moment. I got my v2 getting some work done to it at the moment and was looking for a few more goodies. Whats everyones thoughts and experiences with the Racing Outer Rotor kit and the TB 184cc bigbore kit for my 160?? Is the...
  3. jasonbutey

    The Im Going To Thread

    Ok theres a thread and its called ( THE I JUST DID ) so i decided to make a thread called (THE IM GOING TO) soo we can all chat about what where going to do with our bikes, or whatever. ENJOY