Hello, i just got a mini bike and i need to replace the rear wheel bearings, but they are rusted to hell on in there, any ideas to get them out? thanks
WANTED: white ttr 110 style plastics to suit lxr
CONDITION: new or good condition
PREFERRED PRICE RANGE:something reasonable
LOCATION:somewhere in Aus, will pay postage
cam, 0452181552 or PM
Hey guys,
Starting a thread on behalf of my brother and his current build.
Got a PSTO tl140 roller for a decent price here in Brissy and it pretty much went from there:
Brought the roller home, and ripped her apart straight away:
Parts that we are gonna keep were cleaned up...
HI all,
I currently have a MSO 140cc that goes fantastic but its too small.
Going to upgrade to a TTR125 but doesn't seem to have much grunt.
What would i need to do to the TTR to give it more lower power