valve clearances

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  1. T

    atomik valve clearances

    Can any one tell me what my vaulve clearces should be?? I get told .004 an .006... an also my friends tell me it should be 003 an 004.. so im toataly confused.. my bike is a 2014 atomic nitrouse mid size 150cc big bore...
  2. T

    ATOMIK 150cc mid size VAVLE CLEARANCE HELP??

    hey guys,i have a mid size 150cc atomic nitrous,the book came with no specifications for vaulve clearances :/...can some body tell me what the intake an out take should be?? im thinking .4 for intake .6 for out? thanks tono!
  3. mudskipper

    Recurring motovert pain

    As some of you may have spotted my Q'n'A threads regarding never ending dramas with my 160.:microwave: After many hours spent reading, adjusting, changing etc.. I got the bike to run mint. Would start first kick and even start first kick after stalling. Over the weekend I was chugging...
  4. nickv1980

    Anima 150f valve adjustment

    After every ride i check adjust my valves and i always find the inlet valve clearance has tightened right up to zero i cant get any feller gauges in there but the exhaust valves barley ever need touching . Question : why would this keep happening every single time ? Ive got a special tool to...
  5. nickv1980

    Anima 150f Oil filters

    Has anyone got any clue what oil filter to run in the Anima 150f ?? Ive been changing the oil out every 3 to 4 hours ride time but i have no idea where to grab an oil filter from ... I asked Ken at DHZ not too long ago he told me they would be getting them soon but not soon enough for me , im...
  6. M

    Mr Tarded Mo presents Daytona Anima 150F

    Here you go gentlemen! Mr Tarded Mo presents Daytona Anima 150F - YouTube