125cc semi auto

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Active Member
Mar 13, 2008
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My brother bought a chinese 125cc ducar engined semi auto thumpstar off A&S online on Ebay for his G/F to learn to ride on, after going right over it and loctiteing everything it doesnt seem like a bad bike but it would be the most stuborn thing in the world to get gears on and almost impossible to find neutral :mad: is this a common problem with these bikes? or does something need adjusting? I bought my G/F a atomik motox 125 and she loves it, it hasent missed a beat and it changes great but his girl was dead against getting a full manual bike :(
My son has the same bike and for the price its pretty good. It is hard to find neutral unless the engine is off but other gears are fine.Maybe yours needs the clutch adjusting( maybe so does mine)
He said that the bike is semi auto.
What is the gear configuration?
I guess just practice finding neutral then.....He'll get it eventually.
Nah its a pain in the ass. dont know whether its because its pretty new but had about 3 tanks in it now and still impossible to find unless the engine is off or sometimes when trying to change down to first it goes into neutral(which is when you dont want it LOL) Must have something to do with the semi auto but going to put a new engine in it soon as the young bloke needs to get used to a manual.
thanks for the replys, I set the clutch up the same as you do on a ct110 and it changes sweet now, still a pig to find neutral when the engine is running but its not a real problem on a semi auto, the bike seems to go quite well and i just fitted a pipe of a atomik motox which seemed to get it to breath a lot better :D the 2 quick questions i have are can anyone recommened a better rear shock as the 1 on it seems to hop around alot but it is only 240 between centers, and can a bigger carby be fitted on these bikes? they have a tiny carby a funny inlet manifold which kicks forward first then bends back to make room for the starter which is on the top of the engine, it doesnt leave much room to do anything different with the carby :confused:
yeah i know what you mean, not much room for anything with the starter way up there. Got to watch that your accelerator cable doesnt get jammed on the starter as well. My son is pretty light so the bike is ok for him but if i hop on it it jumps all over the place. not sure there are options for the rear shock exept for something custon and that means $$$$. The tech guys here would know bout carbie options but youd need to get some sort of custom manifold made to clear the starter. Im glad I,m changing engines soon so i dont have those worries.

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