50cc minibikes

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Mini Moto

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2008
Reaction score
In A House

I wanna buy a 50cc minibike but most of the specs say max load is about 60kgs.
How could you improve the bike to carry a bit more weight?? would it be the rear suspension or somthing else??
Like for dinking people when i go riding??

Also what kind of pegs are used for little 50s to bolt onto the back axle??
I was thinking about like the mongoose pegs..would they work??

Mini Moto
Dude, if your talking about the lil 2 stroke ones, dont waste your time. They are for little kiddies and that weight limit is really for the engine as anything over that youll be goin through the clutches all the time.
get a atomik motox 50 just a copy crf50 and they look good quality

sell for about $400-$520
Thanks for the comments

So the weight limit is for the engine not the actual bike..

i dont really wanna spend $400-$520 coz i bought my 125 for $560.

Mini Moto
mate your on the wronge topic. go to tech talk Minibike chat or Bike reviews and look for som1 who has written a review for the same bike you want.

Thank you.