50's brotherhood and Miniriders

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VCM B Grade 2013 Champion
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
no fixed aboud
Hi all

As some of you may know and if you read our blog at all you would know that the 50'sbrotherhood is coming on board with miniriders.
this will be an awsome joint venture as we both work hand in hand in the industry and will be a strong force and good for the future promotion of the sport.

On behalf of the miniriders community i'd like to welcome stu on board and look forward to big things coming our way.

So i suggest you guys keep your eye's glued to the blog and our pages because we will have some real good content coming through and maybe a pretty face or 2. (no not me)

Get out there and grab the mag subscribe however you can get it get it it makes for great reading and lets ya know where it's at
also keep your eyes peeled in the issue about to drop as it has a bit of a write up on our faithful site owner.

Again welcome stu (the hood) and hope to see ya on the forums

keep er pinned.......coolie
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yea welcome aboard guys! love the mag got every issue so far
whoo hoo but it hought 50s brotherhood was allready apart on miniriders with the mod 50s brotherhood and dready writting for them :confused:

all well like i said whoohoo, got my first issuie the other month, it sucks that it only comes out every 2monthes cause i enjoyed reading it.

welcome stu
yeah mine gets read in the first couple of days

and re read after that

the mod 50'sbrotherhood has no affiliation with the hood at all just a cool name
Big Welcome to the Hood boys and gals ,always looking forward to the issue's and every copy goes straight to the pool room ,looking forward to some intersting post's ,Again Welcome
i read mine in lessthan 2hours:( then re-read that day and know i just look at the pics because i know what its about but i also read Crusty and FRMX(i know what use think about FRMX)

oh it is a cool name;)

BTW what will they be called since 50sbrotherhood is already taken??
the only place to get it in singo is the newsagance near woolies:( might be able to get it up in the hieghts?? dont know about that haven't checked before.
dunno... i ride in my paddock:) you can try out the back of the hightes or near the footy grounds??? see people ride thier pitties there
i know of a good place in bulga thats a bit of fun.....there is a fire trail from bulga to mudgee obvisouly your probly not going to do the whole thing on a mini but yer bulga is 15 mins out of singleton