6 foot fmx ramp needs home in melb east sth east

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New Member
Jul 26, 2009
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Hey guys i have a 6 foot high x 5.1 meter long fmx ramp great for minis or 125's or big bikes the property we were going to set it up on has been sold so im looking to see if anyone is looking for a ramp to learn or jump i will temperarly leave it at your property so u can use it when ever you like id just like to come now and then and do a few jumps with you if u have property east or sth east melbs give me a bell maybe can organise sumthing 0407 760 243 catch
hey mate, little bit more info would be good. What material is it made of? Are you willing to organise the transportation? do you have pictures of it!? Has it been tested!? is it easily moved once at a suitable location should the need arise..ie:does it have wheels..?

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Info on ramp

yeh mate im not sure how to upload pics on here but its a metal framed ramp with laminated marine ply on the face 30 mil thick with sand and paint for grip Ive built it so it splits in the middle and bolts up so easy transporation and easy to move i have customised a trailer to fit it on so i bring the ramp where ever we want it will be tested this weekend but as a fitter and tuner the ramp is structally a1 with all gusets double welded and suports threw out ill send a pic if you give an email
http://www.miniriders.com.au/announ...392-picture-posting-dummies-2.html#post219334 his a link..

-download photobuket
-upload pics of ramp onto photobuket
-use code
-copy and paste that onto the forum
-woola all done but is explained in the link posted above, in more detail

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^^this is the layout to be used^^

also posted in wrong section, ment to be in miniclassifields:)

welcome to miniriders.com.au:)
Last edited:
Its not really a For sale thread but...

i would let you set her up at mine if ya where closer .
just get rid of "price and conditions" and "reson for selling"

yeah wogtaz ryder, its only 1500km+ to yours from melbs just drive it up and all will be good....lol

goodluck find a home for it:)

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