Bike V Mower

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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, QLd Australia
Why is it i'll spend ANY amount of time fixing or messing around with my pitbike and when it comes to putting new mower blades on the mower it just never gets done? Meh /rant
Kingers you got it right
Unless you can pop wheelies and throw up roost with a mower?
'Pimp' is an understatement if it chucks wheelies!!
'Pimp' is an understatement if it chucks wheelies!!

yupp , its the style were its got to levers to drive like a bobcat and a nice springy comfy seat!! ooooohh yer!!

id ride it over working on my bike :D
We (My Family) have a ride on... I am really the only one that uses it. (Good $20 bucks for 45 minutes of mowing) Anyway... I can do doughnuts on the gravel driveway :D Slides real good :)

But nothing compared to wheelies ;D
hahaha , my brothers mate has put a 150cc upright china engine in a ride on mower!! has custom exhaust from fat pipes and moty hangers looks so sick the head just comes out the top lol now that thing is "PIMP"

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