Bike wont start unless its rolled.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2007
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Well, I was riding around the park for about half hour then i decided to go home. So i rode up the hill and at the top of it it just died.. I sat there trying to kick start it but it didnt work and yes i checked that everything was on. Then i decided to roll start it. I pushed the bike down the hill and it started but it studdered HEAPS and it backfired alot. So i turn around and rode it back up the hill in 2nd it was studdering heaps and backfiring alot, i got up the top of the hill and started to go down my hill and i tried to pop it up into 3rd but it died again.. so i rolled it all the way down my hill in second it started studdered heaps and backfired then I just pushed it into my house?
Can any of you tell me what this is? its only a brand new freekin bike it cant be screwed already. i dont think its contaminated fuel because i just got a new fuel filter recently. what else?

Things ive tried :
Fuel Filter - Working
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Yay, its working .. dont know how, i got teh spark plug out.. the plug works.. I put it back in and it started
Was it possible that you were close to running out of fuel or needing to swich to reserve. When i was close mu bike would start leaning to the right but stall if it lent to the left. It might do similar going up or down hills.
According to franky, the bike was starved of fuel when i was going up the hill. The tank had barely any petrol as it is.. so i guess that was it.. now its working im gonna go get more petrol
It sounds to be like you ran out of petrol.... Did you even have it on reserve?
Bah hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahhaahhaqhhahaha LAMO

Benox: MY BIKE DOSENT WORK, boo who who, Franky: did you check the fuel dummy? Benox: Huh? Franky: LAMO
Lol, i actually did check the fuel.. There was still some in it and when i thought it was a problem with the fuel filter i took the hose off the carby and just let petrol from the tank run out, shitloads of fuel was coming out.. So i think you just got owned :)

There was some fuel in it, but as i was going up the hill all the fuel was moved to the back of the tank..