bit of help

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2006
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Hey i just got a shock today..its not the best one but its just for the time being until i can get my hands onto my fastace one.
So i put it in today, wouldnt have a clue on the brand but it seems way to short and has so do i fix this???

Because it is probably so short that it has to be fully compressed to be right. Measure your old shock and make sure you get the right size.
I really dont get it..i just measure both rear shocks and they both have a total length of about 280mm.. But for some reason the new one just makes my swing arm sit up alot higher, and it has no rebound.
Maybe when you get a new shock you have to do something to it but yeah, any help pleasssse.
It probably is fully compressed when you are sitting on it, maybe you need to gas it. What sort of shock is it ?
Its pretty much just a no name brand...Almost exact same to the normal Pitpro ones. Ill take it to the bike shop tomorrow and see what they say.