Brake lever bends? Need info!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2006
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Newcastle & Telly point
As always I tend to brake **** on my mini , no worries but I broke my front brake lever a few rides ago and its in the bush some where , problem is I no longer have the broken lever to take into the local dealer to match it up for a replacement. If anyone could help me out by telling me the bend of front brake lever for a typical black BSE front brake master cylinder found on

would be much appreicated. I think it maybe a cr style bend or xr style bend but im unsure , I looked around for the M.C.S site who sells the replacement lever but no avail. The lever has a bend of about 105 degrees ( like a L)where it bolts and pushes into the master cylinder. If anyone could tell me the make/model and year number for the product it would be of great benefit. Cheers
Yeh no **** , I don't want to go and buy a crappy china lever again Im trying to get a set of decent reikon levers and need the model that that master cylinder is replicated off. Looks like a yamaha lever of some sort. But yeh im staying away from china levers there rubbish and have ***** bends to them.
why not just buy some of those billet levers from maylands performance.

They are Stronger then the average pitty lever
Reikon levers have a nice bend to them , nice and slim and have a 12 months warrenty on them. Preety cheap too at $30 a lever its insurance against braking them again. I have looked into those asv replica levers at mpe but am worried about the pivot hinge arms , there thin as and thats the most vulnerable part of the lever. I would only buy those levers if the perch was made of cast billet which it looks like it , not really into folding levers though as they require maintenance over a standard lever
Has any one had any experience with the motovert Cnc'd levers? they look quite long but how do they feel and whats the strenght like of them?
I have a set of Ciniworx cnc leavers that I believe are very similar to the motovert ones. On the fly adjustable clutch lever thats kinda trick but the brake lever has a slightly different bend and sits out way to far to use unless you got massive hands and I mean massive, not adjustable either so can't even adjust them a bit closer to the bars.
the motovert levers are dam strong, i crashed a few times wif them( and many otheres ppl at the club)and all that happend to us is that they grinded alittle. The only time i have seen a set brake was when my bike droped and the clutch lever go hooked on somethink and it broke of a little bit inside the adj part
Yeh ive been looking closely at those motovert levers , Eastcoast50s sells tem for $70 a set which is quite resonable as they don't sound like they brake to easy and considering both Spoony and Corey you guys ride tarmac their more prone to braking on the harder surface. Quite trick looking levers but as spoony pointed out they look a tad long. Dunno guess I will have to take a seat on a vert and give the levers a few pumps to see
length is not an issue
hell longer levers work better just move your mount perch inwards a little so yous levers don't overhang. Problem I had / have is that the front brake lever doesn't fit properly. When you bolt it up the gap between the bars and lever (distance you have to stretch your hand to start pulling on the lever is way to far. I think the brake master cylinder piston that the lever pushes on is further in on the verts / ciniworx allowing the lever to sit closer to the bars.

Not sure if that explained it better or not, maybe this way. Imagine you are sitting on your bike, you grab the front brake lever and give it a good squeeze, lever moves closer to your bars right, with the ciniworx lever the closest it will come to the bars under full squeeze is about the same distance a stock lever would be when not pulled on at all.
the motovert levers are dam strong, i crashed a few times wif them( and many otheres ppl at the club)and all that happend to us is that they grinded alittle. The only time i have seen a set brake was when my bike droped and the clutch lever go hooked on somethink and it broke of a little bit inside the adj part

Hmmm that sounds a bit dodgy, they can take a crash on the track (tar I presume) while moving at speed but then u just drop your bike and they broke? Shouldnt it be the other way around?
ill re word it for u it might helpp...... when a bench get caught in beteewn the handle bar and the lever and your bike full over, then the lever bends/brake the in side part so it touchers the bar because it bent 180 degrees it broke.
trust me mate these motovert levers are bloody strong!
i slid out in bumpy limestone track once and i hit the brake lever and it was allllllll gwd jst a few minor scratches but thats it. the lever part that moves has not loosened up or twisted in any way.
possibly the best lever ever?
it beats the dhz levers i can tell u that.. my mate dropped his bike accidentally on flat floor and it just flew off haha
ASV Leavers

Has anyone tried these ASV levers?
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new leavers we jst started useing, they are like 135mm total lenght nice and short


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