cant post from my photo bucket

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Sorry for the late reply guys...still new and trying to nut out how to use the forum properly.... I have uploaded my photos to my photo bucket but dont know how to post them to tha forum gallery..
well in the forum gallery you dont have to use another service like photobucket to upload your images. there is an upload section in for that so no external website is needed.

if your looking to post an image from photobucket into a thread (eg: this one) you copy the IMAGE URL from the website (3rd selection down under the thumpnail of the picture) and paste that into the thread.

hope this helps.

Cheers, Tony.
Post a pic

Hey, can anyone help me on how to post a pic?
i have only jst found out myself, just go to and set up an account, upload your photos (its real easy once you get in) then when it has the lists of url's and shit jst copy and past 'em, if u want the pics to come up in the post use the
 thing easy as!!!
Hey,thanks guys I think I got it.At least it worked once so far.:D
click on the phot you want to post and it should be highlighted with a redbox.... then scroll down the page and click on... " Generate html code " when the next screen appears scroll down to the last code and copy it...then come on to the reply page for your post and click on the lil mountain ( lil square with grey mountain and yellow backround) pic... a rectanglar box should appear on you screen and the all you do is paste the html code of your pic into that.............hope it made sence lmao, ciao
I cant post pics into my gallery. I upload the pics and then i go to my gallery and its got no pics in it! Anyone know whats the go with that? I somehow managed to get a pic of my old bike up but cant get any of my new ride