Crf50f, Powercoating Stock Hubs

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New Member
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast
:confused: :D Hi
Does anyone know if it is possible to powedercoat the stock honda crf50 hubs so that you are able to change the appearance colour of the hub
p.s does anyone know who sells five-o white frames in australia? apart from FAB50's, OZ 50s and trick bitz australia
Yes you can powdercoat just about anything, you will just have to clean out the spoke holes after.

& eastcoast 50's sell Five O parts
you may wont to look into a billetware cradle frame,Think they are cheaper and get peg mount,plus the cradle which helps eliminate engine mounts cracking.Not sure bout the 5-0 but billetware has +1 tank and seat lift better for accessing carb and a + if your a bit on the tall side!!
thanks for that mate
really appreciate it
one more question when u powder coat the hubs do u have dissamble everylast part of the hub before u get them powdercoated
I am a qaulified powder coater(dont do it any more) and reccomend getting them domne in powder as they finish will outlast the rims and plus basically anyclour u see and like can be replicated in powder

and yes u have to disassemble as anything thats not wanting to get sprayed
has to be ether high temp masked or not there as the spray booths are electostaticly charged so all powder clings to any clean metal or alloy suface.

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