do i need to add oil to the cam chain

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2009
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Hey all I was changing the oil in my bike and found out about another bolt and thought of taking a look. So I opened it up (bolt on the left) and a spring came out with abit of oil, I fould out it is the cam chain adjuster. I was wondering if i would have to put oil back in their and if i do how do i do it??

thanks all


  • oiltz0.jpg
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no! i just replied on the other thread! and this is the third thread asking the same damned question! bloody hell!:mad:

put the damn bolt back in, and just start the will do the rest itself.
oh, and make sure you get the piston around the right way...also descibed that on the other damned thread:mad: else itll do jack shit ecept stuff your engine in a few hours...:)
lol headsmess i did search first and didnt find anything on mine, me thinks someone didnt look first
lol thats if you know what its called, i had no clue, but yep i just got owned lol
and to add to my idiocy, say i started the bike to test and the piston wasnt in, will this cause any adverse problems?
yep you'll get payed out on. Oh and you probably wont win lotto this week either.
and to add to my idiocy, say i started the bike to test and the piston wasnt in, will this cause any adverse problems?

ummmmm.... you reassembled the engine WITHOUT the Piston in and tryed to start it!?? :eek:WTF?? dude.. your going to cost yaself some serious $ if your not careful! :p
run it for a minute without revving it too much, no problems, otherwise say goodbye engine?

its in there for a reason:)

i wasnt paying you out, i was paying 4wd for having two threads...
lol well all good, got it back together this morning and took it for a ride, and considering i payed $100 for the complete bike im a very happy man lol, thanks headsmess u were a life saver with that info.