Elstars.com.au Fastace Shocks ect

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2007
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just thought I'd spread the word,

I broke the shock in my AGB-29, which I thought was a Fastace shock (since it had fastace on it and a number)

I had alot of difficulty finding a 300mm x 62mm replacement fastace shock, since all the shocks on ebay are 280mm x 51mm.

anyway I found what i needed on elstars.com.au, apparently they are fastace dealers. Paid the money, 2 days later my new fastace (genuine) shock arrived in a fastace box.

it's quickly apparent that the shock on the AGB29 is actually a "copy" of a fastace shock, and not real.. also explains why the stock shock failed!

anyway.. if you want "real" fastace shocks and good service.. prices are quite reasonable as well (although a little higher than ebay in some cases) then elstars is a very good place to get the real deal and quickly.. no stuffing around.

yea... Elstar is good, the bloke there hows his stuff! and there quality is far better then ebay (real chromoly not just alloy) i have one of there shocks... not to sure with numbers anymore as i play with real bikes now and not little toys! so i have forgotten but they stand by there product if it dose fail
yeah i think i got a fake fastace off ebay from DHZ. It is really stiff even with the spring wound rite out and it has no rebound (my fault tho:p accidently let the gas out) can i just take it to a servo and put in some air??? or does it need nitrogen? also is it poossibly i have a really heavy weight spring therefor making it stiff???
as i play with real bikes now and not little toys!

Oooh just started riding a real bike ay??? We all ride real bikes as well as mini's, I rode big bikes before I rode mini's, mini's are completly different really, fun in a different way.

I would never go over to just riding a big bike and not mini's.
i have NEVER ridden a big bike. The first bike i EVER rode is the bike i have now and ive had it for a year. I had never used gears or anything..just went into it as a strait up beginner.
I started on a Yamaha py50 then kx60 then kx80 then cr85 then rm125 then to a Chinese 125 then to a Chinese DHZ140. Still got the RM tho. Would it be possible for you guys to post up fake fast ace shocks so i know what to look for when buying fast ace products.
has my mso got a real fastace how do you tell them apart??