I decided to give my new car a polish. There was a couple little scratches here and there what I tried to cut out before I polished it but now my car is left with millions of blury hair line scratches where I have used the cutting compound. You cant really see it in the photos because my camera is a pos.
When its in the sun the marks look shocking
But when its in the shade shes beautiful
I am pretty sure its because the car has a clear coat and I didnt read the instructions before I applied the cutting compound "do not use on clear coat surfaces"
Any simple cheap fixes? I have repolished it about 5 times now and it is looking a little better.
When its in the sun the marks look shocking
But when its in the shade shes beautiful
I am pretty sure its because the car has a clear coat and I didnt read the instructions before I applied the cutting compound "do not use on clear coat surfaces"
Any simple cheap fixes? I have repolished it about 5 times now and it is looking a little better.
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