Fractured Tailbone?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Adelaide, SA
Well I was skating today and I fell 1.5 metres to flat hard cement without even putting my hands down so my back/ass took all the impact.

I can barely walk and I'm still in agony, It was many hours ago.

Has anyone ever fractured their tailbone and did this happen to your or have I just severely bruised it do you think?
you need to stick to things with suspension
ough wait you cant do that either he he
man have fun sitting on a cusion take the 2 day rule if it doesn't show signs of healing then mabye a quack is in order
U sure it is from skating and not ecstasy/viagra and a big nite:D
Na seriously i feel sorry for ya. my brother broke his tailbone when i was a kid. took him a few months to get back to doing normal stuff again.
good luck
lol worrying about a broken tailbone and he's on miniriders
this place is addictive i tells ya
OMG man i no what your going through i fractured my tailbone to man it hurts you can hardly walk and sit down. I did a backflip on pushy to dirt but stuffed up and landed on my tailbone on the downramp:D
c u
i've done it b4, hurts like f*ck n ya cant do sh*t all!!! i couldnt do anything for aaages!
Damaged Coccyx ....... they take ages to heal and you'll probably have an intermittently sore back for life ....... depending on how hard you smashed it .....
I broke my tailbone years ago doing a heelclicker on a BMX got the frame tube in my butt.... took weeks before i could sit down properly, & still to this day it hurts, especilly if i have to sit for a while IE the movies n stuff
unlucky sidney. i havent broken my tail bone buti i have broken many other bones in my body. i feel for ya and know what you will be going through
take it easy mate