Getting more seat height

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Sep 2, 2011
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Hey all,

Just bought myself an Atomik nitrous 140 off ebay and want to know how i can get more seat height out of it, is it a case of just changeing the front shocks and swing arm wheels etc? want to do some mods and anyone who has dose this, the info would be a help.


you can turn it into a bigwheel.. forks, swing arm, chain and wheels but it sounds like you should of bought a big wheel to start with
welcome to miniriders,

i have modded my hacker orion to give it more height .
there is a link to my build/mods at the bottom of my post just below

also try doing a search on ebay (worldwide) on seat riser kits etc, i have seen some 45mm lifts for crf70 style frames before,
making the rear swing arm link pins longer will lift the rear,
approx 13mm longer pins will lift the rear of your bike 30mm (depending on the setup used),
rear shock extensions will fit most pitbikes and are a cheap lift too.

try the search bar under the header here too, might be some previous threads too

good luck,
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I'd start by extending the rear shock to it's maximum length, + i also just brought a new set of DNM hornet forks. These (even at 690mm) are a hell of alot longer than the std forks. all helps to give you that extra height.
extending the rear shock fudges everything up.. end up with way too much chain angle which makes it impossible to adjust the chain properly, and not to mention the chain always trying to wear the chain slider out..

only true way to make a bike bigger is extend the swinga and add fork length...

but i 110% agree with hillz lol.. want a big bike buy a big bike..
Thanks for the imput guys,

Im pretty happy with the height of it at the mo, was just seeing how others have modded theres, and nah dont want a bigger bike just a little more height on this bike would have been good, will probly end up changeing the forks at some stage.

didn't think of that... might have to have a look at mine when i get home :(

Don't worry Timmeeh,

only start to stress if it begins to resemble mine at one stage:

LOL, mine looked the same when i first put the forks on :) until i realised i should probably rasie em through the triple clamps, looks a bit more normal now...