Got a pitpro 125 RR

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Active Member
Jan 11, 2007
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got the carbon fibre look-a-like one off ebay for $540.

can any1 plz give me some hints and tips to ensure it has a long as possible life span:p

thanx heaps
Put oil in it.. :D

Tell us how it goes, I'm thinking of buying one along with a 138 pitpro.
Ride it like a girl and it will last, wont be much fun, but it will last. Ride it like you stole it and fix it when it self destructs IMO.
got the carbon fibre look-a-like one off ebay for $540.

can any1 plz give me some hints and tips to ensure it has a long as possible life span:p

thanx heaps

all ways run clean oil i run motul. i changed it every tank for the first three tanks.. check double check and check again all the bolts....

use the clutch wen u are changin gears.. other then that. its all sweet as. i have the pit pro 138
""use the clutch wen u are changin gears..""
haha thanks for that one! ill hav to remember it lol

thanx for the tips.