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Jan 26, 2010
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I want a GPS for the bike? Any recommendations RE tomtom VS garmin VS strike?
will be very hard to see in the daylight , been there done that and the bashing around on your bike wont be good for it , id just get a cheapo
The is a GPS mde specially for bikes that mounts onto the handle bars. A few guys in Dad's club have them and have had them for a while. They are even waterproof.
I can't remember the name off the top of my head but they got them from Peter Steven's in Melb, so I'm guessing if you go into a reputable shop on GC they should be able to tell you.

Otherwise, go the cheapest possible coz the first sign of rain or dirt will destroy a normal car one.
The Strike Genius Motorcycle GPS is coming out next month. Includes the car mount for free in the box as well as the handlebar mount. At $499 I think it is a winner.
Spoke with Dad, he said its a Garmin S somthingorother, retails about $1200, but has guidance for road maps like a car gps, terrain and trails maps for the trail bike and plots way points in X Y and Z axis so you can keep track of where you have been and how high.
Its the best, for going both raod and dirt with the same unit.
Give Ballards a look,they stock bike specific GPS units and should be able to help you out.
What's the story with getting the instructions from the GPS? Is it wired or wireless?
The Strike Genius is wireless. You can use the headset that comes in the box or you can buy a bundle with a Scala Rider Q2 that works as well. The bundle is the best value I reckon as it allows you to turn off the GPS instructions in your ear (so you only listen to them when you need to). I use is this way because what sh*its me about other GPS is that on long trips the GPS keeps speaking to me. I like to listen to tunes and then only get the instructions when I want them. Hope this helps :)