there's a little more you'll need to look into then just buying a TIG welder for $1200 - 1500 what do you want to weld do you want to weld aluminium because then you'll need an AC/DC high frequency welder which for a good one youll be looking at around $3000. if you buy a big welder you will possibly need access to 3 phase power not all homes have it, (if you have a large ducted Air Con you probably will) most tig welders for a hobbiest wont need 3 phase though.
But then you've got equipment cost you'll need an argon regulater kit with hose, pressure and flow reg, also you'll need a bottle argon to do your welding you'll aslo need filler wire if you you plan on welding any more then sheet metal youll also need electrodes for your TIG torch and if you've never done it before youll definitly need access to a bench grinder or linisher to sharpen the electrodes because as a beginner 100 % gaurentee youll burn out the electrodes also make sure your grinding wheel can handle tungsten carbide to sharpen the electodes.
or do you just want an arc (stick) welder which you could get yourself a decent one for around $400 - 500 and a box of electrodes for around $45