how old is the fuel in the tank? was it mixed properly? is it a premix, or oil-injected engine? (i'm guessing oil-injected being a road bike?)
if it was premixed, did you slosh the jerry can good and proper, or just pour oil into the jerry can after fuelling it up?
Have you opened the carby drain screws with the fuel taps on to see if you are getting decent fuel flow?
stupid one, but easy to mis-diagnose... is there enough fuel in the tank to actually create enough pressure to flow fuel PAST the carby and into the inlet manifolds and through the reedblock?
If you have a big fat blue spark, good compression and fuel at least at the carby, i'd suggest either your jets are blocked up, and not allowing fuel anywhere past the float bowl, or your using a poor starting technique...
you said you can smell fuel... is it clean fresh fuel, or does it smell stale? (yes, you'll know stale fuel straight away when you smell it, it smells a lot different to fresh fuel...)
might even be worth draining the tank to see if there is any water in it, which will also create issues...
if after all that it still doesnt work, take the tank off, up-end it all over the bike, and set fire to it..