Had this bike about 6 years now, bought it second hand, rode it for a while as it was. Didn't ride it for a couple of years until recently getting back into it.
From what I can tell it's pretty original except for rear wheel and possibly engine. If someone could ID the engine that would be sweet as I have no idea what breed it is, all I can tell you is it's 125cc and 1N234 manual.
Have done a couple things already including custom made rear brake line as original sheared off (routed incorrectly), ported head using the porting thread http://www.miniriders.com/motor-tutorials/6959-porting.html on this site and matched intake and carby. Also adjusted valves using this thread http://www.miniriders.com/motor-tutorials/24965-how-set-valve-clearances-horizontal-engines.html which made a big difference as I now have compression!
Thought it was time for some upgrades as the forks are shot and the rear is like a pogo stick.
So what I plan on doing:
1. Replace forks
2. Replace shock - already fitted
3. 26mm OKO flatslide carb
4. Maybe exhaust, not sure if it would do much with stock engine
From what I can tell it's pretty original except for rear wheel and possibly engine. If someone could ID the engine that would be sweet as I have no idea what breed it is, all I can tell you is it's 125cc and 1N234 manual.
Have done a couple things already including custom made rear brake line as original sheared off (routed incorrectly), ported head using the porting thread http://www.miniriders.com/motor-tutorials/6959-porting.html on this site and matched intake and carby. Also adjusted valves using this thread http://www.miniriders.com/motor-tutorials/24965-how-set-valve-clearances-horizontal-engines.html which made a big difference as I now have compression!
Thought it was time for some upgrades as the forks are shot and the rear is like a pogo stick.
So what I plan on doing:
1. Replace forks
2. Replace shock - already fitted
3. 26mm OKO flatslide carb
4. Maybe exhaust, not sure if it would do much with stock engine