just remove the fragments. put a new set of rings in and i would suggest an oil change but you dont really need to. should be all good to go again. good luck and happy riding.
I checked with my dad, and he says it WON'T buff out
ouch! you wasnt kidding when you said it tore it up. shouldnt of looked at this i have been wondering if the lil 13 will be ok for the rpms i wanna sling my mutant motor
That Wiseco I sent you has a better 13mm pin, and a bunch less weight. Besides, your piston is a block and a half away from the head:mmph:
seeing that it hasnt dropped a valve, you would think the piston has failed & cracked around the pin letting it rip out causing the mess you see
Yup, either the piston or pin failed first. I'm guessing pin, but I wasn't in there went it went to Hell. Pretty happy aboot that. TB valves almost never break.
over rev, stretched conrod, kiss kiss.. pictures show the damage lol.. happens all to often for people that just rape engines and not ride them to there build design..
Yup. Needed rings, from the oil on the dome, but look at the nice clean edges. Quench area was doing it's job, keeping rings cool. Bore looked OK, besides where it was missing. Intake valve sealing face was concave and the cam shows chatter. Valves were being floated, sure signs. I love an autopsy
Another piston fail that was unable to break a TB valve. Suckers are pliable
And another... This one ticked me off. 5 minutes or less, and the supplied piston failed. I'd said it would, but hoped not as soon. Bummer is, it loosened the guide in the head, so it was a tougher fix.