Kicking over a brand new bike

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Adelaide, SA
Ok I'm gonna sound like such a noob here (I guess which is what I am)

When you get a brand new bike, do you have to try to kick start it like 10 times? Or will it start in just a few kicks?

ALSO. Do I just fill up the tank with fuel and wait a minute before kicking it over OR for the first time do I have to inject a little bit of fuel into the engine? For some reason my firend had to when he got his china.

P.S: I'm kinda reffering to an MSO but it doesn't really matter.
connect fuel hoses, fill it up, turn the fuel tap on, wait just a lil while, than it should start in under 10 kicks,
sidney good choice!!

how much did u pay?
and are u picking it up of frieghting it, if so how mch dies that cost?

lol man put some petrol in turn the fuel on and hope for the best
DJ I havn't purchased one yet, I'm Getting one at the start of June.

I'm freighting it to Adelaide which costs $100
um yeah ya do man....seriosly lol miniriders members do get discount i think it like 70 for postage insted of 100, just ask them about it they will do u a good deal, i got my bike for $1130 including postage and insurance and thats when their bikes were $100 dearer and now that they have dropped their prices its a good deal, they are great guyes they even sent me 50 bux because i bort the bike just befor they dropped thei price.
Where are they based, like get freighted from and u reckon it wuld b 100$ freight to brissy??
Does the MSO have a key? Or do you just push in a button?

Before you kick start it i mean

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