lifan 140 questions.

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Nov 13, 2010
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Ok this is my first post so ill start with hows everyone goin?, im new to mini's and just got one, so i have a few questions to ask.

Today i got a bike off a guy, seems to be a pitpro 140, got it cheap cos its got a few problems, sussed the parts on dhz and was happy to buy the bike and pay for the parts i needed as i knocked him down 200,..engine is a lifan onto the questions..

1. In first gear it seems to have a miss, or a flat spot, whenever when i snap the throttle on quickly, it sputters and almost stalls, just wondering what could be causing that?.

2. How much oil does the engine hold? and what is the best to use?, as ill be doing an oil change this weekend.

3. What spark plug to use?.

Thats all lol.

any help or input would be great, cheers.
1. The splattering and almost stalling will be caused from the carby being tuned wrong, and/or running too big of a main jet. Find out what carby the bike it running and track down a jet kit for it and test and tune from there.

2. It should be around 800 I think, but drain all the oil out and then pour the oil in, make sure you check the dipstick as you go making sure you don't put too much in or it will spit out the overflow tube onto the rear wheel. And this is the oil I use in all my bikes - Motul 3000 4T 20W50, Engine Oil - DHZ Mini Moto It use to be called Motul 1000, but now is called 3000 for some reason, exact same oil though, so if you can only find 1000 get that ;)

3. NGK C7HSA you can also find them at DHZ - NGK Spark Plug C7HSA - DHZ Mini Moto

Or if you have a few extra bucks to spend get yourself the Iridium version of the plug, will last longer and give a better spark - NGK IRIDIUM IX Spark Plug (CR7HIX) - DHZ Mini Moto

Hope this helps mate.

ah sweet, thanks heaps, ill suss the carby in the morning.

helped heaps, cheers mate.
ah sweet, thanks heaps, ill suss the carby in the morning.

helped heaps, cheers mate.

Just glad I could help mate, good luck with the bike :)
Just glad I could help mate, good luck with the bike :)

cheers mate,

hey just another question

its a lifan 140 and its got a oko 26mm carby

i was just wondering what jetting to use? as im calling into dhz tomorrow to grab some parts and want to grab some jets while im there.
36 pilot (standard in dhz oko carbs)
and grab yourself a 96 main jet (100 is standard and too big)

the spattering and stumble when revving will be the needle height.. try raising the clip 1 notch at a time..of still no good then start lowering 1 notch at a time..

mixture screw should be set at approx 1.5 to 2 turns from screwed right in.

there's a thread in the tech section that shows everyone's jetting for various carbs and engines..
36 pilot (standard in dhz oko carbs)
and grab yourself a 96 main jet (100 is standard and too big)

the spattering and stumble when revving will be the needle height.. try raising the clip 1 notch at a time..of still no good then start lowering 1 notch at a time..

mixture screw should be set at approx 1.5 to 2 turns from screwed right in.

there's a thread in the tech section that shows everyone's jetting for various carbs and engines..

ah sweet, thanks heaps man.
just noticed, my bikes got an oil leak, not sure where its comin from, is there any common places they leak that i should look? cheers.