hi all, anyone know what the standard motor is in the MadAss125,I have heard it is a jialing 125, I pulled it and put a YX140 and pulled that and put the Lifan150 in, the Lifan lasted 7 days before the dreaded kick starter gear that slips into the back of the clutch drum sheared and cracked the case. does this happen with the can't start in any gear motors or for a better phrase the motors with the clutch on end of crank . The standard MadAss motor is a IP52FMI it has a 52.4 bore and a 55.5 stroke it has clutch on the end of crank is a 1 down & 3 up shift . now that the Lifan is junk(cheaper to buy new one) I am wondering if the crank , rod, barrel & head off the Lifan would fit the standard MadAss motor. In the meantime the YX goes back in. Any thoughts would be muchly appreciated. cheers.