made a lip

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
Reaction score
adelaide hills, south australia
ok ive made a lip on the top of my jump so i can get some more air as you can tell that i wasnt getting much in my vid.

im just wondering what you think and how long it will take to settle before i can jump it with out it falling apart. here are sum pics that rubber mat on top is laying flat and not following the curve of the lip.




It kinda looks like your wheel would crash into it rather than go over it and make you higher.

But you have big wheels so I guess it could work.
Umm , a little small isn't it ?

These are the jumps i hit on my stock 50. (and these are the small ones)
well i went out and tested it just then and you get alot further than with out it and alot higher. Tomoz i might post a video if my sister is feeling better
Yeah mate, not worlds biggest but its lookin good. I've got a similiar kinda thing its probably even worse, made it out of sorta clay/dirt used to make a dam at my grandpas farm, but each time I hit it, the whole thing caves in.

Keep us updated on ya jump! Good luck mate
lol umm okay :S... dude you could go so much bigger with the bike u currently have.

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