VCM B Grade 2013 Champion
before i start dont get your hopes up
me being a smart ass i decided to write up an email and send it to the council
just to see what the response would be
my email went as follows
My name is joel
I'm a local minibike rider and i am interested in helping you eliminate an issue your having or that you will have in the near future.
I'm a rider myself and i am a active part of the fast growing minibike scene.
Because the frankston motorcross track does not cator to our needs
I have to drive to broadmedows just to ride a decent track legally.
So like many other people in the area i tend to look for other options i.e industrial estate's and other illegal areas, where we can find and build a decent jump and a bit of an open track.
I find places like these bring both the good and the bad people to the riding spot, but they are uncontroled and dangerous.
I'd like to look at us together supplying a safe place for the good people on the minibike scene to ride and not be branded as hoon's or a menace to the streets.
so i am chasing some infomation on producing a council supported motorcycle riding complex.
If the apropriate person could forward me the relavent information it would be much apreciated
kind rgds........joel
after about 2 weeks in true council form it just got this reply
Dear Joel,
Thank you for your email.
As you are aware, the City of Greater Dandenong does not currently have a designated facility for off road motorcycle riding.
The availability of suitable open space areas within Greater Dandenong to develop a specific facility to cater for motorcycles is limited. This is mainly due to the unsuitability of such a facility in built up residential areas. There are also limited resources and competing demands for sporting and leisure facilities. Consequently, there are no current plans for the development of a motorcycle facility in Greater Dandenong.
Council is currently conducting a review of the Open Space Strategy (2000). As part of this process there will be community consultation to determine and assess community needs for open space, taking into consideration a mix of active (organised sport) and passive (informal) activities. Your request will be duly considered as part of the process.
Should you have any further queries, please give me a call.
Kind regards
so i reckon we should get as many people to send in emails of this sort just so they know we are serios about having a track nearer by
me being a smart ass i decided to write up an email and send it to the council
just to see what the response would be
my email went as follows
My name is joel
I'm a local minibike rider and i am interested in helping you eliminate an issue your having or that you will have in the near future.
I'm a rider myself and i am a active part of the fast growing minibike scene.
Because the frankston motorcross track does not cator to our needs
I have to drive to broadmedows just to ride a decent track legally.
So like many other people in the area i tend to look for other options i.e industrial estate's and other illegal areas, where we can find and build a decent jump and a bit of an open track.
I find places like these bring both the good and the bad people to the riding spot, but they are uncontroled and dangerous.
I'd like to look at us together supplying a safe place for the good people on the minibike scene to ride and not be branded as hoon's or a menace to the streets.
so i am chasing some infomation on producing a council supported motorcycle riding complex.
If the apropriate person could forward me the relavent information it would be much apreciated
kind rgds........joel
after about 2 weeks in true council form it just got this reply
Dear Joel,
Thank you for your email.
As you are aware, the City of Greater Dandenong does not currently have a designated facility for off road motorcycle riding.
The availability of suitable open space areas within Greater Dandenong to develop a specific facility to cater for motorcycles is limited. This is mainly due to the unsuitability of such a facility in built up residential areas. There are also limited resources and competing demands for sporting and leisure facilities. Consequently, there are no current plans for the development of a motorcycle facility in Greater Dandenong.
Council is currently conducting a review of the Open Space Strategy (2000). As part of this process there will be community consultation to determine and assess community needs for open space, taking into consideration a mix of active (organised sport) and passive (informal) activities. Your request will be duly considered as part of the process.
Should you have any further queries, please give me a call.
Kind regards
so i reckon we should get as many people to send in emails of this sort just so they know we are serios about having a track nearer by