mso alloy and mso x6r

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2007
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hi, i have been wanting a pitbike for ages now just dont know what to get. i was wondering if anyone can tell me the difference between a mso alloy and mso x6r. can you also tell me the pros and cons of both. thanks
the alloy has the alloy frame n mayb a few other small things but other then that the a NEALLY the same....both bloody good bikes ..... f@#$in good customer service from mso
Give Linda or ken at MSO a call, they are very helpful and will put you in the right direction. But it is pretty much just the frame and mabey some small components.
hi, i have been wanting a pitbike for ages now just dont know what to get. i was wondering if anyone can tell me the difference between a mso alloy and mso x6r. can you also tell me the pros and cons of both. thanks

Hi, I have just answered your PM (prior to seeing this thread) please email me at [email protected] and I'll get back to you with the info you are after.

Thanks, Linda