MSO X6R VS Pitpro 125cc rr

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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2007
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hey everyone im thinkin bout gettin a new bike soon and wanted to know what was better i no mso has better customer service but whats better on the actual bikes??? cheers Daniel
mso have a stronger and better quality frame. go the mso

MSO use the same frame as the pitpro on there X7R and pro models. Both bikes come out of the same factory so the quality should be about the same for both.
Yep, Exactly right, only difference is the sticker kit. The mso version has problems aswell but because of there excelent customer service thoughs problems never reach the fourm for a bitch fest ;)
How can you say that knowing that both bikes are the same? your using brand name to make your decision.
my pitpro came with greased axles + headstem... heard of mso's that dont :p luck of the BSE draw i guess

but i would rather pay like 500 bucks than like 1000 bucks for the same thing
settle down susan, im talking about MSO's and PitPro's, which both come out of the same chinese factory...

yeah i have a few big bikes. dont know anything about greasing swingarm linkages tho, only **** bikes have those ;)
settle down susan, im talking about MSO's and PitPro's, which both come out of the same chinese factory...

yeah i have a few big bikes. dont know anything about greasing swingarm linkages tho, only **** bikes have those ;)

Theres a reason why stock KTMs handle like **** compared to jap mx bikes, and thats because they don't have a linkage.:D :D :D