My ciniworx 150

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2014
Reaction score
Well I got this thing for free since it was left here for the past 2 years haha I'm still trying to get some proper before pics but here it is so far

I'm still trying to work out the rear break pedal the one I got is for a different frame I think it just won't work
Gotta go to work but will add more later
If any one knows what break pedal will work I would be verry appreciative
Will list what I have done so far and more pics soon
Pretty sure thats a provert mate. But still good score haha.
I dunno I was just told by a friend of the owner it was a ciniworx, it could be any thing really lol would be good to know for sure though make it easier to match stuff like the rear break pedal and exhaust system
Ok so here is the first pic I got after laying every thing out to see where I was at already bought some break setup but they turned out to be wrong

Stripped the engine down and cleaned it out it was full of crap in the barrel and valves cos it was sitting in the weather the entire time
I really should have got more pics to see the difference

Pretty much every thing I have bought for it so far
It was going to be a budget bike but then I decided I wanted it to look nice also so got a heap of stuff to pretty it up a bit

The clear coat (I'm guessing it was) on the frame and swingarm had like worm mark looking stuff all over it and looked ****ty so I rubbed it right back and polished it all up and we'll it is now at the stage of them first pics
More to come as more stuff turns up mainly waiting on the right bolts for every thing at the moment it was missing alot

This is the rear break pedal I bought but it doesn't fit

So I am hoping that this one will fit

It looks similar to this one that looks like it suits the frame I have just with the opposite bend

If any one knows better please tell me to save me waisting more money lol

I also need to get an exhaust but the header on mine looks to run between the frame and rear shock and most the ones I see look to run around the side of frame
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Surely some one would know what break pedal I would need
Think I have one in my parts bin outside, I will take a pic of it if you need it as a reference point. It came off a atomik pro x, looks like the same frame. It uses way different plastics and tank though so yours cant be a pro x
something like this


Think I have one in my parts bin outside, I will take a pic of it if you need it as a reference point. It came off a atomik pro x, looks like the same frame. It uses way different plastics and tank though so yours cant be a pro x
I noticed in the thread my67xr posted you asked if the op had the serial number from the frame just wondering if you can use it to identify the year/make or some thing like that?

The tank pictured with all the other parts I have gotten is the wrong tank I tried to put it all together on the bike and notice so had to order this one that should wit fine

If the one you have in your parts bin would suit my bike any chance I could buy it off you?

And thank you my67xr that is it exactly now I got a better idea on the exhaust I will need also and looks like all the breaks I have seen so far won't suit it :(
I tried looking up provert on google after snaptrax mentioned it may be that but didn't have much luck finding any thing or even any parts
Sounds like they are a good frame though according to that other thread you posted

Are the provert a different model of motovert or a completely different brand

Also would some one be able to change the thread name to my provert 150 cheers
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nah, it was just an older model Motovert bike

let me know if you want the thread title changed too
yeah it could just as well be a ciniworx bike

ciniworx bought a limited run of these bikes in before motovert from memory.

but there the same well pretty much the same. shockin ergo's they are unco to ride.
If it's a provert then for sure change it But I dunno if ciniworx bought some of these frames how could I tell what it is/was if both brands had the same frames?
I'm only new to the pit bike scene so I have no idea lol I have spent most of my bike time with road bikes lol
So it doesn't have a plate riveted on the front of the frame ?
Is there a number stamped into the head stem tube ?
Yep here it is
I got no idea what it means though
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coolmodee01 or x_LOCO_x might now if it's a Ciniworx or Motovert from that number ?
Thats exactly like my old motovert with the little stars on it. But yea attack Coolie cause everything he rides is unco hahaha
wont make a difference knowing the brand mate! unfortunately with most pit bikes u have to just see what fits or make it fit! even pitster and bbr arent reproducing some parts! so isnt going to be one of those "i have this bike do u have this part" is a pain but is the way it is now days!
I'm sure I could sort a tip out
How much would you want for it? Where abouts are you