My First Bike??? What to buy???

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
Newcastle, NSW
Hey guys/gals. I am looking to buy my first bike but have no idea what to get. I realy don't want to spend more than $1600..Preferably under $1000 but having said that, I want a QUALITY bike that will last me a long time and won't break every ride. I have been looking at MSO (herd they are good value for money, quality bikes), dhz and PitPro and others. Can you please help me out with what to get keeping in mind I don't want to spend too much but still want quality and value for money.

Cheers ;)
ok u got a nice amount of money so u will be able to get a nice bike for that

MSO have nice bikes and are really good quality..

pitpro are also good bikes but not the most reliable..


but also check out the pimpit range PIMPIT - Home there 150cc and are pretty cheap and nice looking bikes
Currently the MSO 140S is looking gooood ;) . But I will strongly consider other bikes. Keep the sugestion rollin' in please fellas.

I prefer not to buy second hand.
MSO Pro I hear is a great bike, but it is breaking the budget a bit. Is the DHZ D-PRO110 no good?? Good price, but I want to pay for quality. Is the MSO 140S any good?
MSO Pro I hear is a great bike, but it is breaking the budget a bit. Is the DHZ D-PRO110 no good?? Good price, but I want to pay for quality. Is the MSO 140S any good?

G'day mate,

The DHZ D-PRO has a Lifan 110cc engine and they are great! They are quite gutsy for a 110cc. I haven't seen the DHZ D-PRO110 out in shops yet as it's a 2009 model. Also, it will come down on price too and with yah extra cash you could probably put a few extra mods etc on her. Anyways, good luck with buying yah first bike!
800 if your lucky up to 1600 for those standard mods on a crf50.. but they are quality and will be much more fun then a midsize :)
Yeah about 800-1600 for a stock one,
But you should really get one there alot of fun ! + you dont have to fix them as much and stuff.

I am picking mine up this Saturday so i will tell you what its like !

I just got a Pitpro 125R from this shop PITPRO 125R it was only $870 plus only $50 delivery to brisbane. My bf asked a bunch of motorbike dudes and they said that Pitpros are pretty sweet for the money. I'm only just learning to ride and rode it for the first time on Sunday and it was heaps of fun!
I just got a Pitpro 125R from this shop PITPRO 125R it was only $870 plus only $50 delivery to brisbane. My bf asked a bunch of motorbike dudes and they said that Pitpros are pretty sweet for the money. I'm only just learning to ride and rode it for the first time on Sunday and it was heaps of fun!

Looks like you shoulda hit up ebay. You probably could have got a much better price on the exact same bike.
that 110 looks alrite, but the 150's are getting cheap now and you def get more bang for your buck with a 150,,,,,,,would be good if you were alowed to race the honda 88's on that 110
Yeah..the 150's look alright ay.. So do the new 160's. Still undecided..Hard job considering what to buy.
DHZ 150 expert.... Ebay your cards right, and bid smart, should get one under $800...
get into 50s the right way and buy a crf50 , that way you know your not getting some sort of mystery bike.
If you find 50s arnt your thing you can sell it off much quicker and at the same price as you bought it.
If you like 50s then no need to upgrade as your already got a tiptop bike.
The myth of doing up a crf50 is costly now is fake , thanks to the massive decrease in aftermarket parts cost. You can easily buy a stock , second hand which has been used to teach the young fella how to ride and get it race ready for under $1000 more including a bore kit , suspension and ergo's.
With a crf50 you also have the option if bought stock to return the bike to stock after you've modded it to sell it. This is an effective way in selling them as you can get a fair bit for the stocker and then sell the aftermarket bits. Usually you would the sale for the bike near what you paid for it and get half to 3/4's back on the aftermarket bits.
You can also keep the honda for future generations such as the Son , as the crf50 wont brake down overnight its going to last much longer than any china.
Despite china's getting better and better , especially with the motovert pro corners will still be cut to minimise price. And thats the most frustrating part about owning an import , you never know what is ultimatley going to brake ..... next. I would brake the most bizare things on mine but never broke the commonly broken things such as frame's.
Basically an import is a gamble , you might get a good one , you might not. This is due to the production standards in these factories , despite Aussie importers such as MSO having a fair bit of control over the level of quality in the production of their bikes , they are still on the other side of the globe. And a business is a business , if an oppurtunity to reduce business expense is there they will do it.
I'd love to say China's are all well and good but they are so variable even between models. Eg my mate Tim bought an agb27 in 2006 , paid 1 grand for it. Despite all the reviews on the bike sometime later as one of the biggest p.o.s in minibike history we couldnt destory the thing , weekend after weekend he'd ghostie it , valve bounce it , rake it out but never to the point of it being unridable. He still uses the ducar engine , 3 years old and hasnt died yet and its seen 2 oil changes in its life , one being the transport oil after 12 months of riding haha.

Moral of the story - choose wisely: