..::need help with carby::.. :(

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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hey ppl i need help with my carby i have a pw50 and i took it off to clean it and on the top theres the troatle cable with the needle under it and beside it is the choke and the choke goes it real good but i can put the throtle 1 bak in but it wont rev as in the needle moving or the big thing that holds the cable and the needle its fukin anoyying because i had it going then my dad found out it sticks so i badly need help so hope you can help me out also should i file it so it can move better? :) ill be a happy man

ps i can get pics if might help u
Get some pics. I would not use a file anywhere on a carby. If you cant sort it take it to a Pro.
is teh cable proply inserted on the barrel thing where the needle goes is teh cable to big??
don't file anything, if you took it apart it will go back together.
well everything was workin fine but i had to clean the carby so ye umm there is the little barrel that holds the needle down bottum and the throtle cable but the barrel we find that has to move as now it doesnt we put greece to make it move so i thought fileing it might open little more space any way ill get pics 2morro hope you can help me out its just a pw50 carby search it like i dont know alot about bikes but i know the basics it came out with no harm to it has to go bak in