Peeling Stickers Off

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Adelaide, SA
Yo Doods

Last night I I peeled off the "06 Dirt Bike" sticker from my MSO. Now theres all that sticky stuff on there from the sticker and it's impossible to get off.

I have tryed metholated spirits and tea tree oil.

Any ideas?

cheers, sid
rub it hard with your finger and it rolls it off (also using metho/tea tree/eucal.)....takes ages but thats how i got all that **** off my gaygb27...good luck mate
dont be a pansy and pour afew ml of eucal. oil on there.. pour tons on...and it should come straight off.. if it can take 3M sticker kits off it can take that lil bitch off to... and bilko71.. where exactly can i purchase this "elbow grease":rolleyes:
i used a jex...the steel wool things.. got it off easy....theres no scratches left behnd
need some real fine sandpper to finish it off and some brasso to make sure theres no scratches
I was a sticker printer for many years & have some insight into this all. Most stickers would use a permanent polymer adhesive so you need to find a solvent to dissolve the adhesive.

All plastics I've ever known on bikes are not affected by any solvent but will definitely scratch if you use an abrasive like steel wool or sand paper. Mineral Turps, Acetone (nail polish remover), lacquer thinners even petrol may work. *don't smoke while ya doing this* test out a few if you have em to see what is the most effective.

Remember, "let the solvent do the work" - let it sit for a while and soften the glue , don't scrub at it or you will probably scratch the plastic ;)
Yeah I've poured metho all over it and I'll check it tomorrow after school.
Metho probably wont work so well as it evaporates too quick - good luck anyway
metho wont do anything, DD eucalyptus oil is definitely the go, if that wont get it off nothing will that wont leave scratches.
Petrol does the trick. Just peal off the sticker soak the residue left on the plastic for 5 minutes then wipe it off.
Yeah I got it off. Petrol is definately the best way. With all the other chemicals I was rubbing it really hard and not much was happening but when I poure on the petrol all off the stuff just ran off lol
just be a little careful with petrol, it can sometimes stain/fade plastic parts,

good to hear you got it off:)