Pet tap (petrol tap&filter ) Question?

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Nov 13, 2016
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I have a 1998 Honda XR70r , and has been in storage for over 10 years , my moron brother left the petrol ON -_- , so the pet tap was almost frozin , but now i can turn but with resistance so i OBv's took carb out and re cleaned the jets and all the float bowl of all the Evaporated Fuel. ANYWAY the fule tap when on now does not pull fuel through unless i sucked/siphoned a little through but then stopped , i took the Pettap off and was wandering if their is any way of saving the filter or to make it work without replacing ? in the image im gonna put is what it should look like (because each bike is different )


But mine is all squeezed like a sponge :/ is their any salvagability? or anything just too even make it run?
Thankyou for your Time