In other words, who needs a full face on somthing that goes 90kph? Answer: anyone who's sane, and getting a cicada in the face at 90kph HURTS!! Even at 40kph it hurts! Ive seen people break thier noses and much worse on 50's.
Nice helmet, rockstar is awsome! Maybe I'll post mine, dont know if I have pic.
i do wear a helmet thank you very much guys =P but just not a full face one =)
ive you stack at 90kms its gunna fuking hurt full face or not.. just extra extra care i spose...
i have a full face 1 but not a MX style 1, i bought it coz it was like $100 cheaper than the ones with the peak and stuff.ill try and post a pic but stupid photo bucket wont upload it!!!
good helmets can cost you $$70-700$$ so yeah, i,ve got a 4 year old m2r helmet for 150$$ four years ago, i've also found ths place while surfing its Index Heath Imports capalaba brisbane (or .au i forget) and the guy says on the website has some that he are like 70 bucks and are australian approved ( thats what you want to have australian approved)