anyone on this website accutaly do racing Not motard. Dirt.. and with 140cc or 125... and what are they racers/competiors like really really competetive or some duds some good.???
Yeah mate the sx in melbs is comin up , but I'll be takin shots for the hood so doubt I'll race...but don't worry you'll find some of the fastest guys in the WORLD down there this year.
yeah!!. cause i jsut wanna go out there for one day! and race myself against other racers n see how i go, dont care if i win or loose but ill gain the expernce just for that one day cause i will my push my bike as far as i can
Hey mxb 125, i've seen some pics of that thing, all the bikes look pretty hot so i doubt a nitrous will do super, its an okay bike but compared to modded verts and thumpers and all....
Anyway, good luck! I might come and have a look.
Cheers, Pascal.
mxb 125 , there is some fast guys but also slow guys, as long as your having fun buddy noone cares if your fast or slow. race days are cool cos everyones there to have a good day whether they win or lose !