Pitpro help?

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New Member
Jun 30, 2009
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Hi im new to miniriders and im looking to purchase a pitpro 150xr to ride around. I was just wondering though when you buy it off the pitpro website and they send it to you is it assembled or do you have to assemble it yourself. If you do have to assemble it yourself how hard is it as i would not know where to start.

Thanks Sean
as far as im aware its pretty basic assembly...insert rear shockie, attach front wheel... that shoud be about it...n get a tube of loctite and loctite everything and make sure its all tight...:) use the blue stuff:)
when you loctite it do you apply it to the thread of the bolts. and do apply the loctite to every bolt that i put in.
Yeh, every bolt if you can. If not then AT LEAST all the loose bolts. The ones that require force or have something pushing against them might be alright, but I wouldn't risk it if I where you.
front wheel, handle bars, brakes,shock..very easy stuff

with the locktite only do the bolts that hold things on(engine onto frame, footpegs onto frame ect.) dont do the engine bolts...if you can try and get high-tensiol allenkey head bolts to hold the engine in place and footpegs ect.
Thanks for all of your help guys it is much appreciated and very helpful.
No worries. Let us know how it all goes...

Make sure to post pics of the build ;)