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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2007
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hey evryone i stacked my bike and the throttle cable got jammed then i started it and it was revving fully and the kill switch woudnt kill it and it made this popping sound and now it feels like it has no compression i got a new throttle cable and got it to start once for a second and it smellt really bad so im to scared to start it again does anyone no what the problem could be?? PLEASE HELP Cheers Daniel:(
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its not stuck anymore i no how to fix that read wat i sed above
if it feels like theres no compression, go get a compression tester. Does it smell like burning plastic? If so it could be the wires shortening out. If it smells something other than that it just could be something like dirt, or grass on the engine or exhaust pipe burning.

Sources : My bike.

EDIT : What do you mean it feels like there is no compression? When you kick it does it sound like its firing like once but not starting? Thats what happened with my bike. Took it to the mechanic and they told me i need an engine rebuild.

Also do what PJ said, get a new bike. Mines up for sale ^^
yeh it feels liek its firing but not getting the full way like it wont start and how much is it for an engine rebuild
yeh but i can get it to start after a while but it dosent sound right or smell right
yeh but i can get it to start after a while but it dosent sound right or smell right

my mrs`s bike did the same thing just stopped the spark plug lead melted the exhaust and my sons bike wiring dropped down and also melted to the exhaust causing it to short out, nothing a bit of solder and heat shrink couldnt fix
but would that make feel like it has no compression

There could be many causes for what has happened to your bike.

Firstly, let me understand this correctly, you crashed the bike, then when u started it up again the throttle stuck on for a fairly good period of time and then somthing went pop and it shut down? Then when u went to start it again it felt like there was no compression and finally when it did start it had a funny smell...

It sounds to me to be a little more serious than just some electrical wiring touching the exhaust or something. If the spark plug lead was touching the exhaust and had melted through, then yes, the engine would not fire or it might fire intermitantly and then cut out. If a CDI wire has fried itself then yes, this could also cause an intermittant firing problem however none of these ideas explain your funny smell while running and a lack of compression.

I agree with Benox, you really need to do a compression test on the engine, maybe just take it to a mechanic and ask them to check it on the spot without doing anything else. If the compression is not right then u know that something is not quite right inside the engine.

My first thoughts when reading your post was perhaps you had lost the compression ring on the piston. If this has happened then that would explain why the engine would still run but have not a great deal of compression. If both the comp. ring and the oil ring have gone then you should be seeing some blue smoke out the exhaust when you rev the engine. Another posibility is that you scored the barel a bit which would also explain not much compression. The next thing is maybe the inlet valve has seazed up and is staying open however i think this is unlike since the engine is still running.

It isn't a nice thing to think about having to rebuild or even replace the engine however it seems to me like that could be the cause of your problems. However i haven't had anything to do with Mini motors yet as i don't have a bike yet but from previous experiences it sounds a bit serious.

Hope this helps man, good luck.


yeh ive checked the wiring thats all fine the sparkplug lead is fine i dont know if i should start it again could it blow up if i did?? my mate thinks the piston rings are gone but i dont know how much do you think it will cost to fix and do i need a new engine? is there a way i can check the rings?
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Sounds Like She Droped A Ring .take The Plug Out Turn The Kicksatrt Till The Piston Is Up And Check It And The Plug For Damage .engines Dont Like Free Reving At High Revs.
i just took the sparkplug out and it appears that threre is engine oil all over the sparkplug is this normal it wasnt like that before?
no it should be a light brown colour and clean!:eek:
Hey Daniel, yes it is normal, If there is something wrong with your motor. it definitely sounds like you done some rings.
And if thats all it is your not in to bad shape, can be fixed rather inexpensively, cheaper than a full rebuild or new motor anyways.
And give you a chance to have a play with her....