Running your new bike in

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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Victa , SA
Hey fellas,

seeming how i am getting a new bike soon i am doing a bit of reaserch on how to run it in. I found this link on the site and it has helped me heaps.
it pretty much says, if you want your bike to go hard you have to run it in hard. It says by running the bike in slow (user manual procedure) you can loose up to 10% of the bikes potential power!

I am also curiouse to how often you should change the oil during the run in process and what oil is the best.
On the site it says to run petroleum car oil and specificly states to not use SYNTHETIC OIL. Im presumming you would change the freight oil immediatly to petroleum oil, fill the petrol tank right up, let the bike FULLY WARM UP meaning NO REVVING and then run the bike in hard for 1 hour making sure you accelerate hard and alow the bike to just use engine breaking (on the site it says both accelerating and decellerating are both crucial to the run in process). After riding for 1 HARD HOUR change the oil again (still using petroleum). Keep the petroleum oil in until the petrol is RUN OUT, then dump it and crank the synthetic oil. and then i would change that after about 5-10 hours of riding for the rest of the bikes life.

If anyone has anything to contribute to this im all for it. I have only guessed the oil change times and if anyone has better knowledge feel free to change them to what is best;)! Also not sure about the petroueum oil part..if that is an american thing or just used on bigger bikes...

cheers, Michael :)
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After contributing to this i re read my post and realized it was retarded. Delete this if you want
Makes complete sense when u think about it, as you don't see mechanics with the GP, super bikes, pro motorx bikes going for a casual 1000k ride to run a motor in. just rebuild and ride hard.
gunna give it a go, what could happen????
im goin for it! i had no isea wat running in meant when i got my first bike, and i rode that pretty hard when i got it and the engine is going great to this day!
i ran my engine in 10 days ago,

1) filled with suppied cheap oil, started it and let it idle for 1 min, than rode it softly for 5 min going through all gears, stopped and let it cool completely, checked all motor bolts,

2) dropped oil and refilled with quality mineral oil, warmed it up sofly, than started riding it hard through all gears, never keeping it in 1 gear for anytime, always changing revs/gears, 30 mins

3) put fresh mineral oil in, and gave it hell!!! will keep mineral oil in for atleast 5-8 tanks of fuel, than will go synthetic,

dont use synthetic TOO EARLY, otherwise it wont bed in properly,

my engine starts first or second kick every time, and idles straight away from a cold start in the morning,

that was the advice i got from my cousin who races MotoX,
nice dude..sogo MINERAL first and then SYNTHETIC..not sure about after 5-8 tankfulls thats like nearly 200km on these little bikes.
Yep you cant go wrong with that link you posted. I have broke a few engines in doing that procedure, there is nothing wrong with it. Oh and don't let your 4 stroke warm up by idling it could cause it to over heat just rev it for a few minutes and then ride slow for a few minutes and then it will be at normal operating temperature. Oh and change your oil before you even ride your bike if not make sure you do it after 1-2 hours of your first ride. The china oil is ********* what come with these bikes. After that change it at least every couple of rides. 4 strokes require a lot of maintenance they are not the type of bike you pull out of the shed and go riding like a 2 stroke.
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I also have been researching this subject as I am, aswell, getting a new bike.

I think to run it in you should ride the bike up a hill in a high gear with medium high revs and then back down using only engine breaking and keep the revs long and hard, do this for about an hour or so. Don't change the oil when you first get as it comes with run in oil, change it right after you run it in.

What I really don't understand and would like to know is; how do I warm the engine up with out giving it a bad run in?? Do I just let it idle untill its warm?? If I ride it slow to warm it up, wont that run it in wrong?? :confused:
procedure to warm the engine up (whether your running the bike in or the engine is over a year old):

1) start the engine

2) give it a few little revs for about 5 seconds

3) start riding the bike. dont give it hell but just ride it around for about 60 seconds, then slowly start giving it hell :)
I remember reading an interview with Larry Perkins a while ago. He said testing showed there was no real improvement in running in after the first 15 -20 minutes.
Just got back from riding. My bike was fully broken in from last ride and today the first ride since my bikes broken in i have noticed a **** load more power. Pulls a lot harder.